venerdì 16 ottobre 2015


L’importanza di riscoprire la nostra Femminilità

Come molti di voi ormai sapranno mi sono trasferita da poco tempo nelle meravigliose isole Canarie, qui ho scoperto oltre a luoghi meravigliosi anche tradizioni e riti per aiutare la mente ad acquisire potere ed energia,  questa è un isola magica, un turbinio infinito di energie che si incontrano da ogni parte del mondo…  Anche da qui  tra un bagno ed uno show continuo nella mia missione, quella di farvi scoprire il mondo Burlesque  dal mio punto di vista.

Ho deciso di parlare di femminilità , ingrediente fondamentale nel Burlesque come nella vita di ogni giorno , vi farò una breve spiegazione dell’etimologia della parola stessa ma soprattutto del potere che ne consegue…  e vi svelerò un piccolo rito “Magico “ delle Canarie..

per  diventare donne di successo e prendere coscienza della propria femminilità!!!


La femminilità può essere definita come l'insieme delle caratteristiche fisiche, psichiche e comportamentali giudicate da una specifica cultura come idealmente associate alla Donna e che la distinguono dall'uomo.

A differenza dal “sesso” femminile, che è una classificazione biologica e fisiologica collegata al sistema riproduttivo, la "femminilità" si riferisce principalmente alle caratteristiche sessuali secondarie e ad altri comportamenti e caratteristiche, generalmente considerate proprie delle donne.

La femminilità contraddistingue il potere conscio o inconscio di sedurre  ed attirare a se.

La femminilità è sinonimo di sensualità bellezza fragilità o forza, essere cosciente della propria femminilità può diventare la più potente arma di seduzione.

Quando una dona scopre  la propria femminilità conquista fiducia e rispetto verso se stessa e sicurezza nel relazionarsi con il resto del mondo.

Noi donne , se affiliamo l’arma potentissima della femminilità saremo molto più creative intuitive affascinanti, seduttive  e di successo di donne che non scoprono o usano la propria femminilità.
Molte donne hanno una difficoltà a tirare fuori la loro femminilità  , forse a causa di traumi ,  oppure a causa di genitori troppo autoritari, oppure perché sono cresciute non a stretto contatto con il sesso maschile.
 Tuttavia,esistono anche donne che decidono coscientemente di  gestire la propria vita  nel modo in cui la gestirebbe un uomo,  forse, per sentirsi più forti  più potenti, più sicure di se stesse ,più  indipendenti e autosufficienti non volendo cedere al preconcetto di essere “solo” un  supporto.

Il problema nasce  si  rapportano  con il sesso maschile, usando esattamente i loro termini di misurae le loro stesse armi,  Potenza e forza .. peccato però che partono  svantaggiate poiché noi donne non abbiamo abbastanza   forza  per competere con l'uomo e questo ci provocherà  grande malessere emotivo,  poiché  le nostre energie e vibrazioni appartengono all'universo femminile  ed invece di usare la nostra energia nel modo corretto rischiano così solo di sprecarla . Se impariamo ad amarci ed accettarci  come donne , in quanto esseri umani  fisicamente ed emotivamente più fragili e sensibili degli uomini  dotati di grazia pazienza, intuito, astuzia ed  eleganza, saremmo “siamo”  in grado di dominare il mondo senza sforzo alcuno soltanto con il “potere “ della femminilità. ciò non significa essere inferiori  agli uomini ma semplicemente differenti.

Io non sono assolutamente una maschilista anzi sono più vicina alla linea delle femministe, in quanto  consapevole di quanto incredibili siamo noi  donne, nella nostra  fragile complessità.

Negli anni , spesso sbagliando approccio  ho scoperto che è uno spreco di energie tentare di rapportarsi con gli uomini con la “forza” o la “potenza”  siamo in netto svantaggio,  Indi per cui   senza fare alcuna fatica ho imparato ad ottenere molto di con un sbattere di ciglia o con un sorriso ammaliante.. che con il pugno di ferro!!!   Provare per credere… Se chiedo aiuto ad un uomo per sollevare una valigia, non mi rende debole, anzi loro amano sfoggiare la loro forza. Non mi sento svantaggiata ad ammettere la mia fragilità, anzi la lascrima che scende sul mio viso davanti ad un film commovente  fa di me una donna ancora più femminile. E questo significa possedere  un  enorme  potere di attrazione nei confronti del sesso maschile.. Aggiungiamoci un po’ di rossetto, delle movenze aggraziate,un abitino che esalti la nostra bellezza, un sorriso smagliante e la parola giusta al momento giusto, ecco che abbiamo costruito l’arma ancor più potente  della bomba nucleare, colei che esalta il desiderio, che  scatena impulsi irrefrenabili, scioglie i cuori di ghiaccio,e muove le montagne … credetemi ..  Questa è la  FEMMINILITA’…




(Ripetere ogni punto per  3 volte consecutive)

1- Oggi mi metto la mia vita sulla strada della Successo totale .
 2- Approvo il mio presente ed  io costruisco una strada VITTORIOSA
3 Io sono una donna di successo  Io posseggo il Doppio potere di attrazione.
 4- Io sono una donna di successo ...... Oggi ho la prosperità infinita.
 5- Tutte le cose buone arrivano nella  mia vita.
 6- Emano Vibrazioni attrattive ovunque vado.
7- La felicità e successo fanno parte della mia vita.
8- La mia femminilità è potente e attiva ogni attimo della mia vita,Vibro con l'universo e con la mia femminilità.
9- Io attraggo Ricchezza e successo!
 10- Il doppio potere dell’attrazione è nelle mie mani.
11- Ora ho la chiave del successo  Il denaro e la ricchezza.
12 e il successo commerciale appartengono a me.
13. Mi piace ogni cosa che la mia splendida vita mi da ogni giorno.
14. Adesso ho pieno possesso della mia potenza infinita per costruire la mia prosperità.
15- Io uso il mio tempo saggiamente, ed i miei pensieri sono sempre attivi e  positivi
16 Amo ogni posto in cui mi trovo ogni giorno.
17-pMi prendo  il mio tempo per visualizzare gli obiettivi.
18-Oggi ho sete di conquista ed ho fretta di conquistare!
19- Io costruisco i sentimenti di fede, speranza e amore.
20- Io do generosamente quanto ricevo da Dio.
21- Sono sempre grato per tutto quello che ho.
22- Lascio andare il mio desiderio per l'Universo.


Miss Satine

martedì 7 luglio 2015

6 sensi

6 sensi


Mi sono chiesta molto spesso perché il Burlesque è così tanto amato da uomini e donne, perché suscita così tanta curiosità, perché molte donne si avvicinano a questa forma d’arte con tanta passione, a differenza del classico strip.

Io credo che il Burlesque sia riuscito ad avvicinare diverse generazioni di donne e uomini con stili e gusti differenti tra loro. Il perché di tutto questo? Molto semplice… il Burlesque trasmette fascino , ironia, eleganza, glamour, seduzione ma allo stesso tempo allegria e ilarità. Uno spettacolo completo poiché vi sono moltissimi modi di esprimersi nel burlesque, c’è chi canta, chi balla, chi lo fa in maniera acrobatica, spettacolare e sorprendente, chi stupisce con l’ausilio del fuoco o con oggetti di scena fuori dal comune; in ogni caso ogni artista si esprime con il proprio unico ed inimitabile stile. Abbracciando appunto una serie infinita di possibilità di fare Burlesque, dando così sempre quel tocco di unicità al proprio spettacolo, rende ogni artista ed ogni singola esibizione speciale. Uno spettacolo Burlesque colpisce 6 sensi:

Vista: La cura del dettaglio, la preziosità degli elementi che compongono un abito di scena, i milioni di strass, cristalli e lustrini, stimolano sicuramente uno dei sensi primari ovvero la vista…

Udito: L’udito viene assolutamente stimolato dalle musiche scelte per la realizzazione del proprio act, importantissimo per la riuscita, le colonna sonora.

Olfatto: Un artista che danza e si muove su di un palcoscenico avvolta dalla fragranza del più dolce dei profumi sicuramente colpisce di più lo spettatore..

Tatto: La sensazione della morbidezza della pelle dell’artista è una componente fortissima per la riuscita di uno spettacolo, le carezze che le danzatrici volutamente fanno su se stesse servono a stimolare l’immaginario dello spettatore che ad un certo punto desidera immaginare la morbidezza della pelle dell’artista in scena.

Gusto: Spesso le forme burrose delle artiste, i colori sgargianti degli abiti, i travestimenti che ricordano pasticcini o frutti esotici, i profumi usati, tutto stimola anche il senso del gusto, del palato. ma per me il senso più importante che colpisce coloro che vengono rapiti dal burlesque è il 6° senso…

L’immaginazione:  Lo spettatore nella sua mente si fa un ritratto ben definito dell’artista che sta interpretando il suo act, che può variare da persona a persona o da artista ad artista. L’artista diventa l’ ape regina della seduzione, la donna che incanta con sguardi magnetici e che rapisce la mente ed il cuore, oppure l’emblema della goliardia. Nell’immaginario lo spettatore crea la sua donna perfetta, ed ecco perché il Burlesque è così tanto amato, perché come si suol dire ce nè per tutti i gusti!!!!

Miss Satine

mercoledì 15 aprile 2015

La Seduzione

Tutti vengono sedotti ma pochi sono davvero capaci di sedurre!!!
Sedurre significa letteralmente condurre a sé.
La seduzione è una caratteristica che ogni persona ha, è insita in ognuno di noi . Ognuno ha la capacità di sedurre solo per il fatto che ha le potenzialità per comunicare efficacemente, ma pochi emanano quell’energia capace di letteralmente attirare a se , con una forza inspiegabile che ti calamita l’attenzione, e cattura le menti.

Ci sono persone che non riescono a farlo perché non lo sanno fare, perché nessuno gli ha mai insegnato come si fa oppure semplicemente perché non conoscono le proprie caratteristiche comunicative e seduttive, ma alcune persone posseggono questo “potere” senza essersene cosciente di avere la capacità innata della seduzione. Queste persone sono dei potenziali Leader, capi di stato, grandi seduttrici o seduttori, amanti speciali, se hanno le capacità dialettiche saranno veri e propri  trascinatori di folle! Alcuni esempi:
Marilyn Monroe, Lady Diana, Adolf Hitler, Gandhi, ecc ecc

Sedurre significa letteralmente condurre a sè.
A tutti è capitato più volte nella vita di attirare qualcuno. E’ una caratteristica innata, che ogni bambino ha, e che nel corso della vita viene sviluppata da alcuni e meno da altri.
Ci sono persone che sembrano istintivamente seduttive.
Le guardi e hanno quel “non so che” che ti colpisce, che ti prende.

Entrano in una stanza affollata e, nel giro di poco, qualcuno si sente attratto da loro. Hanno un carisma particolare, un’energia particolare. Sembra che emanino un fluido particolare, quasi magnetico che attira chi sta loro accanto. Possono essere uomini o donne, può essere per lavoro o per piacere, può essere solo uno scambio di battute, una passione incontrollabile o l’incontro fatale.
E tutto questo è indipendente dal sesso, dall’età, dalla professione o dalla posizione sociale.
La seduzione è innata, + una sorta di carisma di magnete che attira a se le persone, senza una spiegazione razionale, un po’ come il flauto magico, un po’ come il triangolo delle bermuda , un po’ come una calamita, guardi queste persone è senti dentro una spinta che ti attira a loro, e non puoi farne a meno . Un’energia che ti fa vibrare…
Puoi imparare a sedurre , affinare alcuni atteggiamenti o espressioni, ma la seduzione innata quella è un qualcosa di unico che non puoi ne insegnare ne trasferire ne emulare imitare.. o c’è l’hai o non c’è l’hai.
Per essere seduttivi o seduttori non serve  avere il fisico, il conto in banca , la bella macchina, l’abito griffato, ok tutto serve , può aiutare, ma non sono caratteristiche obbligatorie o essenziali per sedurre, ogni uomo e ogni donna hanno caratteristiche seduttive proprie e potenzialmente potrebbero essere seduttori, anche se pochi sono dei veri e propri magneti.  La verità è che ognuno di noi ha caratteristiche seduttive diverse che possono essere valorizzate. Ogni persona prova emozioni e, nel momento in cui le vive, le trasferisce.
E’ importante, imparare ad amarsi, ad avere stima di se poiché gli altri percepiscono ciò che noi siamo e proviamo, ma in pochi hanno la seduzione nelle vene, nel DNA.

Nel Burlesque la seduzione è il 90% dell’ingrediente essenziale per la riuscita di uno show, attirare a se, sedurre, ammaliare , calamitare l’attenzione, dote rarissima che fa la differenza sul palcoscenico… da cui si denotano le vere Regine del palco…
Miss Satine

lunedì 9 febbraio 2015

Tour Usa 2014 Miss Satine Burlesque and Bacon Burgers

The first word I coud think in my mind to describe this American tour is “extraordinarily INTENSE”.
A big vortex of emotions exploded in me in those 12 days tour, which included also a lot of bacon hamburger (in the last months I changed my eating habits, becoming vegetarian, but I wanted to grant me an exception to this rule!)!  A big luggage of experience for a little Italian blonde, born in the warm Sicily but living in a lonely place in the Northern Italy.
Even planning my tour was very exciting, a daily mail exchange between producers, friend and locations, my stages in North Carolina, Richmond, Baltimore and, last but not the least, New York City. My departure was on December, 4, and my coming back in Italy on December, 15.
First day. December, 4: “the arrival”
 I arrived at Charlotte airport and there was my friend Gay Golter, alias “Stache” waiting for me. After a warm hug, we went to our hotel, only few minutes far, and after we left luggage, we rushed up to buy the little objects we needed to perform our Duet the next day at the Expo of The Great Southern Exposure. It was an act about Christmas we tested separately for a couple of months, but that was the time to test it together for the first time. We spent all the evening doing that, with only few breaks to eat (my first bacon burger) and to sleep, and our duet seemed to work so good! 
Second day. December, 5: “the Duet”
 Waking up at 8:30 am after an almost sleepless night because of the jet lag and the stress. Breakfast in hotel and again try-outs before the official debut as a duet! At 5 pm we feel ready for our exhibition: last retouches on costumes, makeup and ahead to the location. But before, we had a necessary leg in a very popular fast food in Charlotte, for our dinner with my second bacon burger! The place for the exhibition was fulfilled of people: the festival organizer, Deana Pendragon, made a really good job! Many people and incredible artists alternated on stage. I saw a beautiful redheaded girl, Blaze, sponsor of the event, really fabulous. Deana was so nice and took the attention of the attendance from the beginning! Many burlesque and cabaret act alterned on the stage of the “Upstage”. Me and Stache finally go to the stage, the attendance laughs and enjoys all during the show and we were very satisfied of our performance! Shortly afterwards, I fairly collapsed on the couch of my dressing room and I slept like an angel despite the normal backstage chaos!
Third day. December, 6: “The competition”
My waking up at 8.30 am was the beginning of a day that would have been a great day. I felt excited and powerful, and after my usual breakfast with cappuccino and toast with marmalade, I had a relaxing and regenerating bath, my first relaxing moment since the beginning of my American adventure: a million bubbles of flavorful bubble-bath made me literally disappear in the bath tub. I love crumby bubble-bath, and the musical background I chose was the entire CD with my act’s music, which I perfectly know. I know also the exact order of the songs and there are also bump and shimmy which make me feel very cheerful! After my long relaxing bath, I concentrated on the tryouts of my act “Bad Girl”. I stayed in my room till 16: I want everything to be perfect, to be sure about my steps, and I think about the words that my friend Milena said me about “how to throw my damned cap” and I smile.
Gay knocks at my door to remember me that in less than an hour the tryouts begin, and so we go to the fabulous “The Visulite Theatre”. We make our tryouts as solo. Just finished, we had dinner (my third bacon burger), and so running to the hotel for a shower and make up, and on 8:30 pm, in perfect time, the doors were opened to the attendance! The show started very well. The first performer was the very good “David Equality Bishop”. I was the sixth to perform, and so I could enjoy the first three shows.  So, it’s my time and the attendance is warm like only American people can be (I love American attendance): they make you feel always loved and appreciated. My routine is good, without big mistakes, I enjoy a lot and I’m happy. I change my costumes quickly (the dressing room is not so big and only three performer could change costumes at the same time). I run on the theatre to enjoy other shows, we are really a lot of artists. Thirty-three shows! It’s marvelous seeing artists from every corner of USA, Canada, Europe, performing comic, innovative, double, group and enjoying acts. I love seeing all this kind of acts in the same event, I adore the variety of stage costumes. I have been impressed by an airplane on stage for Amelia Bare heart and by a fabulous Alien costume by Miss Theresa and by a lot of other ones. So, the moment of winners’ declaration finally arrives. I’m very agitated, I’ve seen many incredible acts and I understand that winning a prize wouldn’t be so easy, but I’m satisfied of my act and of the big experience. Whatever would be the result, I felt however fulfilled and happy. I never feel in competition with other performers, but only with myself: if I win or lose, in my mind is like winning or losing against myself and not against others. In fact I live contest very well, because for me is like a holyday! The organizers begin to prize the various categories, and just before the election of the queen and the princess there’s the adjudgement of the special crown of Big Mamma’s Production to the artist who better represented the spirit of the festival, satisfying jury, attendance and organization. From the attendance someone screamed “From Italy, from Italy”, but I’m confused and I don’t understand. At the end I hear saying MISS SATINE! Wow, that’s my name! What a beautiful sensation, a mix of unbelief and happyness; I run to keep the crown, the congratulations by Deana and the acclamation of the attendance, I’m so happy! I’ve reached my goal, my act convinced American people and I’m moved about it and a tear goes down on my cheek. At the ned, we winners of all the categories are all aligned for the ritual photos, and the queen is Tora Torrid, with an emotional act, a fan dance with melancholic glances and vibrations. The king is Pretty boy Rock with a really .  The king is Pretty boy Rock with his really brilliant and enjoying act Napoleone Bonaparte and France, absolutely fabulous! My friend Stache didn’t win his fifth crown, buti t was a good experience for him, too.
Back in hotel with Stache, we pledge my victory and soon afterwards I went sleeping, so tireb but happy and I couldn’t stop seeing my beautiful crown!
Fouth day. December, 7: “Big Christmas Show in Richmond”
After the usual waking up and breakfast, we made the check out, and with my crown always on my head I decided to live my princess day: everyone asked me what I won and congratulated with me.
We left Charlotte to go to Richmond. After 5 hours in car and a stop to have lunch (my fourth bacon burger), we arrive in my hotel. I had just the time for a shower and to dress to the big Christmas event organized since three years ago by Deanna Danger in the fabulous The Byrd Teathre. I wanted both enjoying the event and meeting and thanking in person Minnie Tonka, who helped me in organizing my days in New York. Me and Jay (Stache) said goodbye. I spent great days with him. He has been an incredible mate of adventure, a good friend and a good person.  Jay left me in front of theatre’s doors, where Scarlet was waiting for me. I knew Scarlet the day before in Charlotte. She won the prize Best Variety Souther Exposure with her act as a majorette. The event and the acts are really beautiful: the theatre was magic and full of people. After the show I went to Minnie Tonka to hug and congratulate with her. I adored her and Darlinda just Darlinda, “The Schlep Sisters”, so enjoying. After the event, me and Scarlet say goodbye, little cold but so happy. She brought me in my hotel, where a hot bath and a soft bed were waiting form me.
Fifth day, December 8: “my debut in Richmond”

That morning I woke up without having breakfast: I was anxiously waiting for my new adventure mates, my friend Kat De Lac and the group of the other clamorous girls Kristen Minsky and Reggie Bügmüncher whom I knew that day. I’m so happy to hug again Kat, I really care about her and I’m really excited to begin a new adventure together. The girls are fabulous, nice and homely. We felt well with each other immediately. Four different girls, but in syntony. That night we would perform in a pub in Richmond, and the following evening we would change State. The car was awash with luggage and we really had to organize to stay in four in that car! After the big effort, and having abundantly gone the right time for breakfast and lunch, with our stomach grouching, we went to an oriental restaurant were unfortunately they didn’t cook hamburger (I have an unlimited passion for American hamburger. Nothing compares to them!); so, I had to content with a delicious chicken and vegetables’ soup. We went in the place which would host us that night, but not before going in a place nearby to drink a couple of cocktails. Our dressing room is really big and we have all the area we needed. The owner informed us that no nudity is allowed by Richmond’s laws, and that only in theatre is allowed to undress: so, we would end our show in bra and culottes (even thong was forbidden). I went in panic for a while, because underwear of one of my costumes was a thong, and I had not a substitutive underwear! Luckily, Kat lent me a piece of her costume, and so the show was saved! The attendance is not so numerous, but really warm, and with my surprise, I saw herein Deanna Danger, whom I warmly greeted. Reggie presented the show and performed in acts as a fakir, with words, nails and flames; she’s fantastic and mad. Kristen danced tip tap with her delicious and elegant moves, and she remembered me Marilyn Monroe. Me and Kat acted with our burlesque shows. After that fantastic evening, we all went to a friend of Kat’s home, who hosted us for that night. We literary choked on couch after a drink all together.   

Sixth day, December 9: “Baltimore “

After a night spent on couch with the luscious Kristen and a couple of cats, we had a shower and we started a new adventure to the next destination, Baltimore, were Miss Maria Bella was waiting for us to divide the stage with all of us. Of course, first obliged stop in a fast food for our breakfast/lunch/dinner, and so for my fifth bacon burger. The street was pretty trafficked and we arrived to our destination in a couple of hours. The owner, a really kind man, was waiting for us. The stage is so comfortable and big enough. After a little time, also arrived Maria Bella, whom I remember I have seen at the big Christmas Gala in Richmond, performing her particular act “Edward scissor-hand”. She’s a very nice girl with Italian ancestry; we felt very comfortable from the first moment, and I would have spent that night in her home. The show was very good, and at the end we hug and say goodbye with Kat and the other 2 girls: they had to go away for the following leg of their tour. Me, instead, would stop in Baltimore in Maria Bella’s home, because the next day I had to take the bus to New York City, the long, last leg of my American tour. Maria had two really nice dogs which feasted me like they knew me from a long time. I had a fast shower and I ran in the soft big bed Maria offered me for that night! 

Seventh day, December 10: “Debut in New York”

We woke up at 8 o’clock, we made up and then we went to have breakfast in a  nice place with strange pictures. Just a cappuccino and a croissant, and so I ran to the Mega Bus. Me and Maria promised each other to see again soon, and I have the sensation to know here since always! On the bus I tried to sleep a bit, but my mind is overran by all the marvellous remembrances about the fantastic past days in America. I knew incredible artists, been on super stages, I won a beautiful crown and I ate tasty bacon burger and tons of chips!!

 New York greeted me with a sky full of snow and it was so cold, but even with snow, NY never loses its marvelous charm. My dear friend Sophie was waiting for me, and we joyfully hugged each other, so happy to see us again. She’s the twin sister of the delicious performer Laura Desirè. We took a taxi to Brooklyn, that is home! The apartment was beautiful and big, with six girls living. Sophie borrowed me her place, really comfortable, and surprised me preparing a really tasty pasta with tomatoes. After we have been narrated each other about our lives, I relaxed for an hour before my debut in New York at “Shaken & Stirred”. The event went ok and the place was very nice, even if the stage was not so big, and so I couldn’t do some acrobatic moves in my show. Many performers advised me that stages in New York are little for exhibitions. The event organized by Dottie Dinamo was dedicated to a local artist which celebrated her birthday, the really nice Legs Malone!

Eighth day, December 11: “Standing ovation”

That soft bed made me desire to spent there all day, but my desire to go around the city was stronger! After breakfast, me and Sophie went around the city. The air was really cold for a girl like me. While we was going to enter in a place for our lunch/dinner, we was stopped by a couple of journalists who made us some questions about our job, for a very famous American magazine. After this brief interruption, we could sit in front of my sixth tasty bacon burger!! On evening, we went to the Slipper Room, that Sophie told me to be one of the most important places in NY for Burlesque, and we both were excited about the idea of the event. We found the fabulous Bradford Scobie greeting us. He was the camaleontic showman who would have hosted the event. That night would have been five performers. The Slipper Room is definitely delicious, with a big stage, even if the dressing room was so little, and so it was really difficult with our luggage. The event begun, the attendance was really numerous and warm, and my new Christmas act was appreciated by them, but my second act, “Bad Girl”, impressed so much New York people, that they all stand up to celebrate me. I almost didn’t notice that because of my euphoria, but when Sophie told me: “Standing ovation, Silvia, standing ovation!”, I realized what had just happened and I moved, crying like a child. My first standing ovation, what a joy and a honor. That was the biggest prize for me, knowing to be arrived to an attendance so expert for Burlesque is the biggest satisfaction for every artist, a marvelous sensation, even if I had difficulty to believe that had really happened to me. I’m a really determined woman and I want to do everything at the best to arrive to my attendance, but I’m really critic with myself, too. I think I often depreciate my own commitment and my qualities. This chance has healed old injuries and made me the desire to do even better. If you work hard, if you always believe in what you are doing, if you never give up in front of a defeat or a hurdle, results and satisfaction will arrive, sooner or later. Never stop to believe in our own dreams! Arrived home I choked like an angel in Morpheus’ arms.

Ninth day, December 12: “Crasy Show”

After the fabulous night just ended, I prepared for a like a queen breakfast, with cappuccino, toasted slices with marmalade and other delicious things. As it’s already happening by nine days, I had two only fixed meals: breakfast and a combined meal of lunch and dinner, usually made with an insane but delicious bacon burger and the unfailing chips! Even that day I didn’t miss my usual appointment, my seventh bacon burger, the best I tasted in my whole American tour. Sophie just told me that it would be shocking, but it really overcame all my expectations: it was enormous and tasty. Luckily my long walking, the cold, the daily stretching exercised and the acts helped me to digest all the calories I accumulated. Ok! Make up and teasing hair and again to the Slipper Room for my last night in New York. We were ten artists on the stage and the event was divided in two parts: the first part, in which I acted, was glamour, sexy and classic; the second one was firmly broadminded, provocative and wonderfully sexy, but enjoying at the same time, with the exhibitions by the fabulous Tigger, Harvest Moon, Stormy Leather, Deity Delgado, Darlinda Just Darlinda. I really enjoyed myself! I ended my tour at the best I could; sharing the stage with these important artists thrilled me so much. I also did the GoGo Girl, a new experience for me, not practiced in Italy, because maybe it could be misunderstood, instead it was enjoying and I also earned many dollars!

Tenth day, December 13: “Manifestation and Hoboken, to Carlo’s, the cake boss”

Waking up with a luggage of experience like that, made me feel richer. This had to be my only free day in which I could do everything I wanted. After breakfast me and Sophie went in Hoboken, to Carlo’s: we wanted to know the famous Buddy, the cakes’ boss. Forty-five minutes by train and we were in the most famous bakery in America. Delicious place and delicious sweeties. We knew Buddy’s brother in law and all the other relatives. I felt emotioned like a child in front of a carrousel! After our tour in Hoboken we came back in New York and we were in the middle of a pacific manifestation about a big trouble affecting America: thousands of people of any nationality, any color and age, rich and poor, all allied for a right cause, rebelling against the violent repression that often white policemen use with afro American communities. We were in the middle of this enormous parade and we felt happy to manifest with these people to support a right cause, and we felt a part of American history. After the long parade, we had a little bit of relax in a massage centre, we went in Times Square and to Madame Tussauds waxwork museum. Soon afterwards we went to delight our palate in an Italian restaurant in Little Italy. It was a very intense and gratifying day.

Eleventh day, December 14: “My departure”

In the morning I stayed comfortably in bed, letting me coddle by Marcello, the beautiful Sophie’s cat. So, breakfast, relaxing bath and then I made my luggage for the last time. I wonder why at the departure everything fits in, while at the coming back it seems impossible to close?! My fabulous and intense experience was almost finished, and after an emotional hug with my beloved Sophie, I ran to the airport, destination Milan!

Twelfth day, December 15: “Coming back home”

Perfect landing, I slept only a couple of hours, I’m really tired, but so happy I’m back home. I really desire to see my children Asia, Alessio and Andrea. Alby was at the airport waiting for me with a shining smile. At home I found my mother who substituted me in my absence and fed my children with many delicious  dishes. She cared about me, too, preparing a fantastic lunch for me. After opening my luggage and distributed the various gifts, I took my crown and, as I promised to my children before going in America, I put it on top of our Christmas tree!! A really especial decoration.  

Happy 2015 to everyone, full of happyness, love and satisfactions!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

Miss Satine